Welcome to my Portfolio!

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My name is Żaneta Jażdżyk.

I am...

A Full Stack Web Developer with over 10 years of experience in the IT industry.

Author of two blogs (only in Polish for now): NetteCode (Frontend, Web Development) & Nettelog (productivity, application, self-development).

Creator of one of the biggest Facebook group in the area of learning programming (more than 36 000 participants).

Since about two years professional mentor.

Currently looking for new opportunities.

I am open to working as a Full Stack Web / Frontend / JavaScript Developer.

My main focus is on JavaScript (from 2012).

Preferable technologies: Next JS, Node JS, React/Vue JS/Angular, JavaScript/TypeScript.

I am more JavaScript person than HTML/CSS. I prefer to work with CSS frameworks, like Material UI, Vuetify or Tailwind CSS over pure CSS. I prefer working on web applications to pages.

I like to share my knowledge, mentor others and write about tech.

I was working in international teams with day-to-day communication in English.

I encourage you to check:

My skills.

My professional experience.

And some of the projects I worked on.

Some other places you can find me professionally:

Linkedin | Github | NetteCode [PL]

My Curriculum Vitae

Feel free to contact me via e-mail: kontakt@zanetajazdzyk.pl or Linkedin.